Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update and putting together the play park!

Well, no change from last week. For a minute, we thought Lauren flipped! It was crazy. Her heartbeat seemed to be registering at my belly button and her hiccups looked like they were at my ribs! Dr. Laden sent me to the ultrasound room to double check and they are both still head down. It doesn't really matter except for delivery. Anyway, the induction is scheduled for June 2nd. We have no idea how long the labor will be, so we are going to go at this one alone. With all the craziness of two births, we want to make sure I can be focused on the job ahead! Don't worry, we will call EVERYONE when they arrive. Knowing these two stubborn little girls, it may be another long day... and night! If you don't remember, Jason's dad made it in from Reno with 5 hours to spare with Kara. Our babies tend to put off entering the world as long as possible.
This past weekend Jason and Jim put together Kara's play park. That is Kara's term for a swing set. It took forever, but it is well constructed. It was definitely a labor of love! Check out the pics! I am also posting the BIG (and I mean BIG) 37 week picture.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weekly update!

Well... everything went great at the doctor's appointment today. Lauren is estimated to weigh 6 lbs. 13 ozs. and Elizabeth is estimated to weigh 6 lbs. 14 ozs. They are both looking great... but it is getting to be a tight squeeze in there! Dr. Laden said I am 40% effaced and around 2 cm dialated! This is exciting because I was not dialated at all with Kara even when my water broke. On the other hand, I could walk around for weeks at a 2 and still not go into labor! I will be induced on June 2nd if the girls have not arrived by then. So... 12 days or less! I am going to continue working, walking, swimming, eating mexican food, etc and hope they come soon! My next appointment is Tuesday... but maybe we will have babies before then! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Back from the doctor...again! Last night I was having contractions for a couple of hours, but they went away when I went to sleep. I had another NST this morning. Looks like the girls are just happy where they are! I am measuring 40 weeks even though I am only 35 weeks. That is normal for twins, but you can imagine how huge my belly is at this point. People are starting to stare! It is actually funny. So I guess the girls will probably wait until June to arrive. I have another appointment next Thursday. If they have not moved down at all, I may start doing jumping jacks! :)
I hope everyone is doing well! Have a wonderful week.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Another week almost done!

This week has been crazy! Jason had OTC (offshore technology conference) for work. He had to be at the conference every day and then he had business dinners, etc at night. Tuesday I took Kara to the ENT doctor. She has to have surgery this summer to remove her tonsils! Jason and I knew that would be the case, but when a doctor tells you a baby will have to be in the hospital overnight for observation, it is a scary feeling. Then I dropped Kara off at Mimi's house and headed to my doctor appointment.

I had another NST (non-stress test). These are normally no big deal, but of course Lauren did not want to cooperate. Elizabeth's portion of the test lasted about 15-20 minutes.... Lauren's lasted an hour and a half! She is fine, but every time the readings would be almost done, so would move and the heart rate would not register. The nurse would have to move the monitor and find her heartbeat and then start over. So... I was laying on this horrible chair for about 2 hours. I have never understood people who have anxiety attacks until the end of that test! I felt like I was trapped. I was sweating and sick to my stomach. It was crazy! The nurse was fanning me and had to get me a cold glass of water to help me make it through. I surely did not want to move and mess up the reading. Anyway, everything is great with the girls and I felt better as soon as I was able to move around.

We host the recital tomorrow. It will be a long day, but Mother's Day should be relaxing! I am going to try to work half days next week and then take off! If I make it through May 15th at work, I think that will be enough. After the 15th, I will be praying for the girls to hurry up and get here!! Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes. Jason and I feel so blessed to have made it this far. I can't wait to post pictures of our little sweet peas! Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!

Our family picture at the dance team banquet! Kara looks so big! She is growing up so quickly.