Saturday, February 28, 2009

The BIG Reveal!

Okay... here are a couple of pictures of my BIG belly! Kara has learned her to say her sisters' names. Lauren is really clear, but Elizabeth sounds more like Elizabif. It is really cute. Tomorrow, Kara and I will be headed to a baby shower for the girls. I am excited to see everyone. I went to the mall today to get a new outfit.... I think it was my last trip to the mall. I am exhausted! I know that sounds pathetic, but these two little ones are getting heavy.
Tuesday is our next doctor appointment. I will make sure to let everyone know how it goes! I am praying the girls want to stay inside for at least 3 more months. I am also praying that bed rest is not on the horizon! I might drive everyone crazy if I get put on bed rest!

Kara likes to feel the babies kick!

Check out that big belly! Can you imagine what it will look like in a few months? Scary!

Here is one of Kara in her favorite sweatshirt and cool sunglasses!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Only two weeks until Spring Break! Yippee!

Monday, February 16, 2009

So much going on!

Well... I know we have not posted an update in a while! There has been SO much going on. First of all, we had another doctor appointment on Tuesday. Dr. Laden was happy with the twins' development, so my next appointment is not for 3 weeks! I feel like I am being rewarded for good behavior. :) Our ultrasound specialist, Roxanne, double checked to make sure they are really girls... of course they are still girls! We are actually excited about our clan of girls. I think we have even decided on names which is surprising. Lauren Nicole and Elizabeth Ann are the big selections. Kara has my middle name, Nicole is Stacy's middle name, and Ann is Cathy and my Aunt Teri's middle name. That way we are keeping it in the family without having a namesake or junior!
Things have been busy at work for Jason and me. Jason has been traveling at least once a month to Louisiana for business and I am in the middle of contest season. Jason has been serving as my unpaid assistant director! It has been a huge help and my girls act like Jason is their second dad! He records all of the dances and makes sure I am constantly drinking water. He has even coordinated with my Fillies dads to complete one of the many drill team projects needed for this year. I must say, Jason is quite the handy man!

Kara is growing like a weed! She is so tall and skinny. She is officially in big girl panties and doing very well. She has Elmo and Dora and Ariel. Each morning, Kara brushes her teeth and makes the big decision about which ones to choose. It may not sound like a big deal, but to her it is the highlight of the day. Strange to think that she is growing up so fast. We are really trying to enjoy our last few months of having an only child before the choas begins. She talks about her 'sisters' all the time. She will even show you how they feel when they kick. (By the way, they kick ALL the time!) She kisses my belly and checks my belly button to make sure it is closed. When she finds it closed, she proclaims they are still growing and need to stay longer! Oh..the things kids say and imagine. I am including a picture of Kara and Jason 'jamming'! Kara thinks she is really a rock star when they play guitar hero.

I hope everyone has a great week. Maybe I will muster up the courage to take a pic of my big belly to post. It is really getting out there....